The Official ‘About Me’

- Ph.D. work in Counseling Psychology, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- B.A. in Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Elite Life Coach Coach Mindset Training Certification
- Certified Life Coach American Union of NLP

I am a lifelong learner. I constantly read, study, discuss and APPLY what I learn with family, friends and peers in formal & informal settings.
Whether it’s coaching, teaching, selling, leading, administrating, managing, guiding or listening-
I do, and have done this, in my roles as:
- A life coach who believes we ALL have the potential to live the life we want
- Founder/CEO with my husband in our digital marketing agency since 2012
- Adjunct professor teaching psychology to college students
- Mama and teacher to our 3 sons over 18 years of homeschooling
- A leader of small groups in a variety of settings
- HR manager for a manufacturing facility
The me my family and friends know:
I laugh as much as I can.I am a realistic optimist who thinks most of life is ‘figureoutable’.My sister calls me “mellow & bright” like her favorite cold brew coffee.I believe you can never have enough kindness and home cooking.I’m an extrovert who also requires time alone to recharge.

I’m not immune to suffering.
I’ve lost people close to me, dealt with decades of chronic illness, had miscarriages, handled financial difficulties and heard “no” to promotions & project proposals & big things I wanted in life. I’ve picked myself up (sometimes more quickly than others), dusted off and forged ahead after setbacks. My patience, persistence and pivot-ability is strong.
Our challenges may look different but we all have them.
We get to decide how to think and feel and live in our life circumstances.....
Transformation Permeates My Life
The second-hand furniture I reupholster The meals I concoct from whatever is in my fridge (and they are GOOD!) The colorful paintings I create from pictures in my mind The dreams I bring to life The clients I help
Taking something that seems worn, outdated or useless and making it fresh to fit THIS moment and serve purposefully into the future– that’s my jam!
See this chair?
It was sitting in a thrift store, with dirt and grime covering the wood frame and stained, ripped fabric.
Most people didn’t look beyond the sticky sadness.
But I knew the wood frame only needed a good scrub and a coat of stain
While the seat cried out for fresh, modern fabric.
A little bit of time and elbow grease plus vision to see what’s possible then
The restored chair is BETTER THAN NEW.
It has renewed purpose and beauty.
It fits my needs exactly.

Coaching transforms lives like I transformed that chair
I DO think that life is better when we are at our best as often as we can be.
What My Clients Say
Are you ready to align yourself with someone who BELIEVES IN YOUR POSSIBILITIES?
And who encourages you to REACH BEYOND YOUR IMPOSSIBILITIES and helps you to be more skillful at being human?
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An Owner's Guide For Your Life

Tracey Browning