Hey, I’m Tracey with TBrowningLife Coaching!
And I’m here to talk about your ‘but’.
We all have one.
The ‘BUT’ that towers between YOU and WHAT YOU WANT.
I want a better marriage BUT it’s been like this for so long, I don’t know if we can change.
I’d like to have and enjoy sex more BUT I don’t know how to make it happen.
I need to make more money BUT that’s out of my control.
I love my children BUT being a parent is hard.
I wish I could lose weight BUT I’ve tried everything and nothing works.
I dream about that job BUT I don’t think I’ve got what they’re looking for.
I don’t know exactly what I want BUT I know I want something different.
Here’s what you’re doing…
- overanalyzing
- delaying action
- beating yourself up
- telling yourself you’re a failure
- believing all your thoughts are true
- drowning in overwhelm/anxiety/sadness/fear
- letting your ‘but’ smother your dream
I help you do THIS…
decide on the actions you need to take
take the actions
talk to yourself with kindness and truth
Close your eyes and imagine your future.
Your future self who has the marriage | sex | money | relationships | body | job | mind of your dreams.
The you-in-the-future LIVING THE LIFE that you-in-the-now wants WITH ALL YOUR HEART.
My work combines psychology, mindset, neuroscience, and practical life experience to guide you in living a life that makes you proud.
An Owner’s Guide For Your Life Podcast

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Listen To My Latest Podcasts
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What My Clients Say

“Change your 'but', change your life”